Trish Feaster

The Travelphile

During her 15-year tenure as a high school Spanish teacher, Trish Feaster fell in love with European travel when she first took her students to France and Spain. She kept up an annual summer tradition of providing opportunities to her students to explore and experience the cultures of the continent and then journeying to other parts of Europe on her own.

After pivoting careers a decade ago to becoming a tour guide and travel writer, she has continued her travels to Europe every summer and has ventured to many other places around the globe including Asia, the Middle East, Central America and South America.


Trish champions the notion that we can all “journey well.” She believes travel heightens the senses, and can remind us to see things with open eyes, an open heart and an open mind — even if we’re just “traveling” in our own town. It’s a transformative opportunity to learn about the people, history, architecture, art and cuisine of other cultures, and, in turn, for self-discovery and self-understanding.  

As a veteran tour guide and guidebook researcher for Rick Steves’ Europe, as well as leading groups for Imprint Tours, Trish relishes the good fortune of sharing all that with fellow travelers. As she continues her travel experiences in America, Egypt, Russia, the Caribbean, Asia, and beyond, you can join Trish Feaster on her current adventures and share in love of travel at

To connect and journey well with Trish, visit Her Etsy shop,, features her handmade face masks and travel-inspired art and photography.

You can also follow her on social media:

@thetravelphile: Facebook | Twitter | Instagram | YouTube
@themoveablefeaster: Instagram
