Olite’s Medieval Majesty
Olite is a magnificent village 30 miles south of Pamplona. Join Fran Glaría from Traveling Steps and his friend and colleague Javier Adot from Guiarte Navarra in a walking tour of the village, the Parador and the Palace constructed by King Charles III of Navarra.
The Bell Tower of Artajona, Spain
Spanish tour guide Fran Glaria takes you up the Bell Tower at the village of Artajona in Navarra, Spain. It remains one of the few churches where bells are still being played by hand and are not computerized.
Otazu Winery | Navarra, Spain
Join Spanish tour guide Fran Glaria of Traveling Steps for a virtual tour of this historic, delightful winery and its collection of art.
Puente La Reina in Navarra, Spain
Puente la Reina is a small village in Navarra, where the Camino de Santiago becomes one. Join Spanish tour guide Fran Glaria of Traveling Steps for a virtual tour of this village with history, art, and an amazing bridge!
Todos Santos: All Saints Day in Spain
In Spain on November 1st, we do not celebrate Halloween—they celebrate the day of "All Saints." A few days prior, Spaniards go to the cemeteries to arrange their families’ tombs. In this video, tour guide Francisco Glaria of Traveling Steps helps his mother-in-law with all the arrangements and explains some of the traditions of this special celebration.
The Bells of Artajona in the Navarra Region of Spain
In this short clip, Spanish tour guide Francisco Glaria of Traveling Steps takes us up an impressive bell tower to hear the bells and glimpse spectacular views of Artajona in the Navarra region of Spain.