Chef Denise’s Blood Orange and Fennel Salad
In Dogliani, Piemonte we explored some of those local products . After finding our unusual vegetable puntarella, we moved over to the Sicilian blood oranges and an array of radicchio. In this video, Chef Denise talks about their flavor profiles and how best to combine them. Of course, a beautiful salad recipe came to Chef Denise's mind and she is so generous to share it here with us!
Slow Food Delicacy: Italian Snails
See why independent snail farmer, Paolo Bove believes that snails should be the food of the future. Anna Savino from ItaliAnna Tours and Lisa Anderson from Lisa’s Dolce Italia visit the Italian farm in Piemonte to learn about (and taste) this slow food delicacy. They’ll also discover the self-care benefits of their potential serum.
Italian Artisan Panettone from Piedmonte
Explore the art of making award winning panettone, a traditional Italian sweet bread, with Lisa Anderson of Lisa’s Dolce Italia and Anna Savino of Italianna Food & Wine Tours in a small pasticceria in Piemonte Italy.
Olives of Provence and Seguret Village
Follow tour guide Daniela Wedel to Seguret in Provence. Her friend Denis, owner of "Les trois Souquets" workshop and boutique, tells us about the local olive production, and they taste some aperitif olives and oil together. Continue on a stroll to the medieval village of Seguret and practice some French.
Cooking with Mum: Scottish Vanilla Tablets
Learn to make delicious Scottish vanilla tablets from Scottish tour guide Liz Lister and her adorable mum Betty Martin.
How To Celebrate World Porridge Day the Scottish Way
You might call it "oatmeal", or you might say "mush", but we just call it "yummy." And you can enjoy this cozy comfort food today or any day of the year! Let our Scottish guide Liz Lister teach you how to make delicious, traditional Scottish porridge.
Cooking with Mum: Scottish Clootie Dumplings
Clootie dumpling is a traditional treat served up at birthdays and Christmastime in Scotland. The name comes from the “cloot” or cloth that the rich dumpling full of fruit and spices is steamed in.
Learn to Bake Authentic Bavarian Pretzels
In this fun cooking class, tour guide and Munich-born Daniela Wedel teaches the secrets of baking the perfect Bavarian pretzel.