Cooking with Fran: Hot Chocolate Basque Style
Join Fran Glaria and his wife Ainhoa in the Basque Country as they share their homemade hot chocolate recipe.
Baking with Fran: A Pistachio Christmas Cake
Join Fran and his family as they bake a pistachio Christmas cake.
Mince and Tatties: Scottish Cooking with Helen
Join Helen Houston of Scottish Blethers as she demonstrates how to make two staples of Scottish family meals: traditional Mince and Tatties and Bread and Butter Pudding.
Chef Denise’s Blood Orange and Fennel Salad
In Dogliani, Piemonte we explored some of those local products . After finding our unusual vegetable puntarella, we moved over to the Sicilian blood oranges and an array of radicchio. In this video, Chef Denise talks about their flavor profiles and how best to combine them. Of course, a beautiful salad recipe came to Chef Denise's mind and she is so generous to share it here with us!