GC Columns
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How to Survive Scotland’s Single-Track Roads—and Still Enjoy the Scenery!
With over 2500 miles of single-track routes in the Highlands alone, it’s easy to find yourself in a tricky situation if you haven’t done your research into how to navigate them. However, they are also an integral part of the wonderful experience that exploring Scotland can become if you just follow some simple etiquette and basic rules.
4 Scenic Drives for your Next Eastern European Visit
Regardless if you’re the type that takes up the challenge of driving while overseas, here are some memorable scenic driving routes to consider. Underneath each pick, I’ve put in prefered method of getting around, as well as starting and ending points.
The Top 5 Eastern European Monasteries
I get a lot more “churched-out” than monasteried-out on my travels. Usually with a monastery, it’s more serene, fewer idiots with self-stickies, and the clergy-to-tourist ratio is in the clergy’s favor.