GC Columns
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Biodynamic Farming: A Balancing Act
In the 1920s, Dr. Rudolf Steiner was a major contributor to what we know as biodynamic farming. This type of farming practice is based on creating a balanced environment for the crop while always keeping in mind holistic, ethical, and ecological elements that surround it. However, many are skeptical because of its cosmic and mystical considerations.
The Bells of the Basque
Imagine my fascination when I found a store in a tiny town in the Pyrenees and saw endless cencerros in different shapes, sizes and materials. I approached the lady owner and asked her the reason for such a variety. When I heard her reply, my brain just exploded!. Not only do the shapes and materials differ, but the clappers also have a lot to do with the variation in the bells.
Gourmet Snails: The Food of the Future?
When you visit the land of Barolo in Piemonte, red wines, prized white truffles and hazelnuts (home to Nutella) might come to mind. What you wouldn't expect to find though is gourmet snails!