GCBC Bonus Event with Helen Houston of Scottish Blethers
Monday, March. 21, 2022
11am PT | 2:00 pm ET | 6:00 pm GMT (Scotland)
Duration: ~ 60 mins
Presented via Zoom by Helen Houston of Scottish Blethers
Broadcasted on GC FaceBook page
Image | Arthur Dooley
Join Helen Houston of Scottish Blethers, with special guests Fran Glaría and Jorge Román for this special presentation on GC Facebook.
Miss Jean Brodie paints a very different picture of fascism in her lessons to ‘her girls’ to that which most people in Scotland believed. The Spanish Civil War 1936-1939 captivated Scotland. Scots spoke out vehemently against General Franco's nationalist coalition, nearly 600 men and women volunteered to serve in Spain; a quarter of them never came back. In Scotland itself, an unparalleled aid movement materialised driven by working-class women.
Helen will look at what was happening in Scotland at this time and the reasons so many men and women felt impelled to ‘do something’.
Event Info
. Come and join Helen, the Scottish Blethers.
. Monday, 21st March 2022
. 11am PT | 2pm ET | 6pm UK
. Virtual Tour presentation via Zoom
. Broadcast on GC’s Facebook Page
For more details or to submit questions you would like to hear answered during the live stream, email h.houston1@btinternet.com or via Facebook messenger
Or find Scottish Blethers on Facebook and Instagram @scottishblethers
Image | Amazon
Helen lives in Fife in Scotland but grew up in Stirling at the very heart of the storyof Scotland. Helen would be delighted to take you to the places that you have read about and bring your imagination to life. She would ensure that your eyes were really opened to the interesting and unique culture that is Scotland. Join Helen in her Faceboock account or at Scottish Blethers podcast.